Cycling Injuries

The best place to start with cycling is to have your bike fitted to best suit you. Equally, this applies to cyclists who get aches and pains during rides. Fulcrum offers a bike fitting service is ideal for cummuters, cycling enthusiasts and triathletes alike, whether you're novice or experienced and it is designed to minimise the risk of injury that could result from riding a poorly set up bicycle.

The process involves an analysis of your current bike set up, coupled with an assessment of your posture, strength and flexibility.  Personalised exercise programmes will be offered to meet your needs.   

We will explore your Goals, expectations, riding history, past injuries, fitness and wellbeing. 

The different types of cycling such as, sprinting, long distance, MTB and BMX, all put different kinds of demands on the body. Injuries can come from falls, crashes, over-exertion of muscles and joints, posture (on and off the bike). Your training programmes needs to reflect the specific demands you intend to make on your body.

For good maintenance, regular sports therapy / physio and massage is recommended, plus stretching for the legs and back to reduce the risk from overuse injuries to muscles and good posture with a strong core help prepare the body for the event ahead.

As a certified Rock Doctor, Fulcrum Sports Therapy can offer kinesio taping for extra support, for pain management and power taping for increased performance.

Personal training programmes and training guidance is available from our specialist trainers and therapists.