
The Geko ™ device increases blood circulation through neuromuscular electro stimulation of the common peroneal nerve.

Small electrical impulses, powered by OnPulse technology, gently activate the muscle pumps of the lower leg, emulating the blood flow rate normally achieved by walking - up to 70%.

Caution: You should NOT use these devices if you have a pacemaker or have had a DVT / Blood Clots. Please check with your doctor if you are in any doubt.

A Geko stockist, Fulcrum Sports Therapy uses the Geko device to support personal rehabilitation programmes and to help regular travellers who need their clinic treatment to continue once their back on the road or flying off to the next meeting.

The geko TM devices are packed in pairs and available for sale at £40 per pack.

Benefits of using the Geko device include:

  • Increased blood circulation
  • The prevention of venous thrombosis
  • The prevention and treatment of oedema

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