Football Injuries

Football is a fast paced contact team sport with a high probability of play contact and as such carries a high risk of injury to most regions of the body, with leg injuries most likely.  It demands good levels of cardiovascular and muscular fitness so your training programme should take this into account.

Total fitness training is recommended, including circuits with weights for strength and power, coupled with interval training for the cardiovascular system.

Postural alignment is very important in injury prevention and Fulcrum Sports Therapy can help with that, including techniques such as Myofascial Release for the rib cage, improving flexibility, improving breathing, improving the heel and arch of your foot and correcting pelvic tilt. As a certified Rock Doctor, Fulcrum Sports Therapy can offer kinesio taping for extra support, for pain management and power taping for increased performance.

Preventative and remedial sports therapy, personal training programmes and specialist training guidance is available from our trainers and therapists.